Category: History

Chinatowns: A Cultural History

Eileen Chow
AMES 335/HISTORY 228/AMI 337/ICS 336
Fall 2019

Explores the intersection of space and ethnicity through the myriad ways Chinatown has circulated as memory, fantasy, narrative, myth, in the dominant cultural imagination, and how lived realities of overseas Chinese communities, Asian American history, andchanging conceptions of “Chineseness” have productively engaged with real and phantom Chinatowns. Research will emphasize multi-disciplinary approaches, such as urban history, architecture, ethnography, economics; or engagement in a creative project.

African American Women and History

Thavolia Glymph

The history of African American women in the United States. The production of discourses of gender, race, and class discrimination that evolved specifically to confront the presence of African American women first as slaves and later as free women. The ways in which prevalent ideas about race, race relations, and gender coalesced around images of the African American women and African American women’s struggles to assert independent identities. Multidisciplinary readings.

Topics in North American History

Thavolia Glymph

The department offers a series of rotating courses, covering the history and historiography of various aspects of North American History. Written work is confined to methodological, conceptual, or historiographic essays. Topics vary

Archiving and Visualizing Asia

Nayoung Aimee Kwon
Fall 2019

Engages students in the practices and theories of archiving, documenting and curating marginal histories. Hands-on research in the archives of Duke’s Rubenstein Special Collections and elsewhere. Examines histories of movements and encounters between the “West” and “Asia.” Teaches original archival research and documentary methods through guided excavations in digital, audiovisual, and material resources.Directed readings and special guest lectures guide students on how to think critically on the theories and praxis of knowledge production, collection, documentation, circulation, and consumption. Students curate projects for final research assignment.

History of Latinxs in the United States

Cecilia Marquez
Spring 2020

This introductory course will cover the social, cultural, and political histories of Latino/as in the United States from 1848to the present including the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, the Great Depression, WWI/WWII, the creation of Latino/a civil rights organizations, and the civil wars and free trade agreements of the 1980s and 1990s that have spurned so much of contemporary migration. Themes include colonialism and conquest, sexuality and gender, race and ethnicity, transnationalism and migration, social inequality and practices of resistance. This class will highlight the diversity of the Latino/a experience—focusing on the history of Afro-Latino/as, queer Latino/as, and undocumented Latino/as. Instructor: Marquez

Immigrant Dreams/US Realities

Gunther Peck
Fall 2018

Immigrants and immigration policy in the United States from 1850 to the present, with focus on origins and power of immigrant exclusion during three waves of migration: Northern European and Asian migrations between 1850 and 1880, Eastern European, Latin American, and Asian migrations, 1880-1920, and Latin American, African, and Asian migrations, post 1965. Immigrant roles in shaping policy debates, citizenship rights, labor movements, and American culture, past and present.

Historicizing Whiteness

Gunther Peck
Fall 2016

Examines origins, historical development, and consequences of white racial identity, from the 17th century to the present, beginning with the emergence of white racial grammar among trafficked white servants and so-called “white slaves” to the creation of racialized rights and privileges for white people in Great Britain and the United States in the 19th, 20th, and 21st centuries.

Gateway Seminar: Civil Rights and Asian Americans

Sucheta Mazumdar (Course also taught by Susan Bramley Thananopavarn in Writing Program)
Spring 2020

Study of crucial legal and political moments in the struggle for equal civil rights of minorities, beginning with the laws of Chinese Exclusion, the struggle to define who was “White,” the Asian Immigration Exclusion Acts, the relationships of Asians and African Americans and the struggle for equal schooling in the American South, the Japanese Concentration camps, the Redress and Reparations Civil Rights struggle, and the involvement of Asians Americans in the African American-led Civil Rights Movement in the 1960s, including working with Martin Luther King and Malcolm X, and Asian Americans in the anti-sweatshop unionization movement.

Introduction to Public History (UNC)

Anne Mitchell Whisnant
History 671
Spring 2020

This course introduces selected topics in the history, theory, and practice of public history.Public history encompasses historical work that is conducted or encountered in public settings; is fundamentally engaged with public audiences or communities; addresses itself explicitly to current public issues or problems; or mediates between the specialized knowledge of professional historians and the historically-oriented preferences, expectations, and needs of various publics. In past years, this course has included student work on collaborative digital projects focused on histories of the UNC campus and the campus at East Carolina University. See “Names in Brick and Stone: Histories from UNC’s Built Landscape” at

History of Inequality

Adam Edward Hollowell, William A. Darity Jr.
Spring 2021

This course familiarizes students with the field of Inequality Studies through examination of the causes and consequences of social inequality throughout history. It addresses theories of group and sub-group social stratification and ways that disparity operates across multiple axes of stigmatized identities.

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