In November 2020, Duke received funding from The Duke Endowment to support a comprehensive university-wide initiative that will, in part, support efforts to infuse the curricula with additional coverage of issues related to race, racism, social injustice, and inequality. As part of this commitment, the Provost’s office, through the Office of Undergraduate Education, assembled faculty from across Duke’s undergraduate schools to form the University Course on Race Committee to advance this curricular effort.

Kerry L. Haynie

Chair: Kerry L. Haynie, Ph.D.
Trinity College of Arts and Sciences

Professor and Chair, Department of Political Science; Professor Department of African and African American Studies; Director of the Center for the Study of Race, Ethnicity, and Gender in the Social Sciences, Duke University

Xavier Basurto

Xavier Basurto, Ph.D.
Nicholas School of the Environment and Duke Marine Lab

Associate Professor of Sustainability Science

Tyson Brown

Tyson Brown, Ph.D.
Trinity College of Arts and Sciences

Associate Professor of Sociology and the Director of the Center on Health & Society

Aimee Kwon

Aimee Kwon, Ph.D.
Trinity College of Arts and Sciences

Associate Professor of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies, Program in Gender, Sexuality and Feminist Studies, Program in Cinematic Arts, Founding Director of Duke’s Asian American & Diaspora Studies Program, and Andrew Mellon Games & Culture Humanities Lab, Duke University

Willie John Padilla

Willie John Padilla, Ph.D.
Pratt School of Engineering

Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Charmaine Royal

Charmaine DM Royal, Ph.D.
Trinity College of Arts and Sciences

Robert O. Keohane Professor of African & African American Studies, Biology, Global Health, Family Medicine & Community Health, and Director of the Center on Genomics, Race, Identity, Difference and the Center for Truth, Racial Healing & Transformation

Donald H. Taylor Jr.

Donald H. Taylor Jr., Ph.D.
Sanford School of Public Policy

Professor in the Sanford School of Public Policy, Family Medicine and Community Health, the School of Nursing. He is Director of the Social Science Research Institute and a founding faculty member of the Duke-Margolis Center for Health Policy, Duke University