Category: Gender, Sexuality and Feminist Studies

Nature, Culture and Gender

Saskia Cornes
GSF 366
Spring 2020

The course will examine human identity through a consideration of its boundaries. Do women view nature differently than men? What are the limits of the human in the context of the Anthropocene, an era defined by overwhelming human influence on the planet? What role can feminist and queer theory can play in understanding new formulations of “nature/culture”? What can gender studies contribute to techno-scientific understandings of a changing climate? The class will take on these and many other questions through readings in literature and theory, and experiential learning with the Duke Campus Farm.

History of Latinxs in the United States

Cecilia Marquez
Spring 2020

This introductory course will cover the social, cultural, and political histories of Latino/as in the United States from 1848to the present including the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, the Great Depression, WWI/WWII, the creation of Latino/a civil rights organizations, and the civil wars and free trade agreements of the 1980s and 1990s that have spurned so much of contemporary migration. Themes include colonialism and conquest, sexuality and gender, race and ethnicity, transnationalism and migration, social inequality and practices of resistance. This class will highlight the diversity of the Latino/a experience—focusing on the history of Afro-Latino/as, queer Latino/as, and undocumented Latino/as. Instructor: Marquez

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