Author: Caroline Pate Page 1 of 4


Lee Baker
Fall 2019

The paradox of racial inequality in societies that articulate principles of equality, democratic freedom, and justice for all.

Anthropology of Race

Lee Baker
AAAS 251/CultAnth208/ICS239/RIGHTS 208
Spring 2020

Human variation and the historical development of concepts of race; science and scientific racism; folk-concepts of race; and the political and economic causes of racism; ethics of racism.

Chinatowns: A Cultural History

Eileen Chow
AMES 335/HISTORY 228/AMI 337/ICS 336
Fall 2019

Explores the intersection of space and ethnicity through the myriad ways Chinatown has circulated as memory, fantasy, narrative, myth, in the dominant cultural imagination, and how lived realities of overseas Chinese communities, Asian American history, andchanging conceptions of “Chineseness” have productively engaged with real and phantom Chinatowns. Research will emphasize multi-disciplinary approaches, such as urban history, architecture, ethnography, economics; or engagement in a creative project.

Nature, Culture and Gender

Saskia Cornes
GSF 366
Spring 2020

The course will examine human identity through a consideration of its boundaries. Do women view nature differently than men? What are the limits of the human in the context of the Anthropocene, an era defined by overwhelming human influence on the planet? What role can feminist and queer theory can play in understanding new formulations of “nature/culture”? What can gender studies contribute to techno-scientific understandings of a changing climate? The class will take on these and many other questions through readings in literature and theory, and experiential learning with the Duke Campus Farm.

Sociology of Racism in America

Eduardo de Silva or Tyson Haywood Brown
Fall 2019

Examines social history of major racial groups in the US and relationships to contemporary standing. Discusses central concepts sociologists use to analyze racial matters. Central theme: “racism” is not mere “prejudice,” “ignorance,” or “intolerance,” but a comprehensive historical system of racial domination organized around the logic of white supremacy. Discussion of “whiteness” in the USA—how whiteness emerged as a social category, an identity based on experiences of variety of European “peoples;” how it dominated the racial structure of the US since the 17th century, how wealth has been distributed along racial lines, racialization of Asians and Latinos, and color blind racism.

African American Women and History

Thavolia Glymph

The history of African American women in the United States. The production of discourses of gender, race, and class discrimination that evolved specifically to confront the presence of African American women first as slaves and later as free women. The ways in which prevalent ideas about race, race relations, and gender coalesced around images of the African American women and African American women’s struggles to assert independent identities. Multidisciplinary readings.

Topics in North American History

Thavolia Glymph

The department offers a series of rotating courses, covering the history and historiography of various aspects of North American History. Written work is confined to methodological, conceptual, or historiographic essays. Topics vary

Global ‘Mixed Race’ Studies: Global Perspectives on ‘Mixed Race’, Citizenship and Immigration

Jayne O. Ifekwunigwe
CULANTH 220FS/ Immigration and Citizenship Focus Cluster
Fall 2020

By exploring pioneering and controversial writings from both the social and the biological sciences as well as the humanities, this course will situate debates on ‘race’, ‘mixed race’ and social hierarchies within broader global, comparative, and historical contexts. These comparative examples shed light on the the different social, social, and historical meanings attached to ‘race’ and ‘mixed race’ and address social and cultural variations in the symbolic rules which determine the social status of ‘mixed race’ communities. Open only to students in the Focus Program.

Racial/Ethnic Minorities in American Politics

Ashley E. Jardina
AAAS 257
Fall 2020

This course focuses on the continued significance of race and ethnicity in the United States, paying careful attention to the way in which institutions, political actors, and historical factors influence the circumstances and experiences of racial and ethnic minorities. In particular, it provides an overview of challenges, controversies, and political outcomes facing blacks, Latinos, Asians, and American Indians as they navigate the political world. The course will examine how the organization and structures of the American political system disadvantage members of these groups, as well as how racial attitudes and group conflict play out in the socio-political arena.

Human Rights in the Americas

Robin Kirk
Cultural Anthropology: CULANTH 245S
Fall 2019

This course introduces students to the history of human rights in Latin America, with a focus on certain regions. We will begin with the Conquest and cover the emergence of independent nation-states; the role of imposed economic policies, including neoliberalism; indigenous protest movements and their relationships to corporate interests; and the influence of the United States on human rights, government formation, immigration and the drug trade. Instructor consent required. Open only to students in the Duke Immerse program. One course.

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